Current Operations at the Landfill & Recycling Center

Ontario County's landfill and Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) are essential parts of the County's waste management system. Although both facilities are operated by Casella Waste Systems at the same location in the Town of Seneca, the future of the recycling center is independent of any decisions regarding the landfill's future.



  • In operation since 1974, the landfill has been expanded over the decades to meet Ontario County’s growing needs. Today, it features a modern engineered containment system with double liners and gas collection systems designed to protect the environment. 

  • The landfill accepts various materials, including Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), Construction and Demolition (C&D) debris, Industrial Wastes, and Biosolids.

  • The landfill is permitted to accept up to 916,000 tons of material per year. However, it operates at an acceptance rate closer to 700,000 tons annually.


Ontario County entered a 25-year lease agreement with Casella Waste Systems in 2004, which expires December 31, 2028.

Though Casella manages landfill operations, the County holds all required New York State Department of Environmental Conservation permits for the landfill.

Where does waste come from?

Sources of Waste Disposed at the Ontario County landfill in 2023 (tons) Source: MSW


• Approximately $4 million in annual lease payments

• Reduced landfill rates for in-county generated waste.

• Reduced landfill rates for waste managed/hauled by municipalities.

• Ontario County residentially generated recycling accepted at the recycling facility at no cost.  

2022 Landfill Waste Makeup (Percentage)

• $22,500 in student scholarships annually

• Household Hazardous waste collection events

• $10,000 for annual engineering reviews

• Covers the State costs associated with the on-site NYSDEC monitor.

 *The Town of Seneca has their own Host Community Agreement with Casella.

Recycling Center


  • Recognized as one of New York State’s first single-stream recycling facilities.

  • Processes approximately 50,000 tons of material annually.

  • Accepted materials include: plastics, tin and aluminum, paper, cardboard, and glass.

  • Ontario County owns the building, while Casella owns the recycling sorting equipment.


  • This facility processes Ontario County residentially generated recyclables at no cost under the current landfill lease agreement.

  • Recyclables generated by businesses or entities outside the County pay a per-ton fee for processing recyclables at the MRF.

  • Processing of recyclables is significantly more expensive than landfill disposal on a per-ton basis.


  • Moving forward, whether the landfill is open or closed, the County will have to go through a procurement process to determine whether they invest in new recycling equipment or explore a new agreement with a future facility operator.

  • In all likelihood, Ontario County residents will be required to pay a service/tipping fee for residentially generated recycling.

Where does recycling come from?

Sources of Recyclables Processed at the Ontario County Materials Recovery Facility in 2022 ( tons) Source: MSW.