Exploring A Responsible Path Forward

Ontario County's landfill is nearing the end of its operation and management lease agreement, as well as its permitted fill capacity.

On December 31, 2028, the current public-private partnership agreement with Casella Waste Services of Ontario, LLC (Casella) will expire. This necessitates crucial decisions regarding the landfill’s future and ongoing solid waste management for Ontario County.

Comprehensive Landfill Study

The Ontario County Board of Supervisors (BOS) commissioned a comprehensive analysis by MSW Consultants, a firm with nationally recognized expertise in landfills, waste generation and composition, state and federal solid waste rules and regulations, solid waste facility development, and recycling operations and economics.

The objective of the study is to provide the Board of Supervisors with data and factual information aimed at helping them to make informed decisions about the landfill’s future.  This detailed report includes:

  • Historic and current landfill operational data,

  • Waste management processes and potential costs if the landfill is closed, and

  • Potential alternative landfill site uses, whether the landfill is closed or remains open.

Landfill Alternatives Analysis Report and Reference Documents

  • Supervisor David Phillips offered the following resolution and moved for its adoption, seconded by

    Supervisor Andrew Wickham. Passed. Yes 20, No 0, Abstained 0, Necessarily Absent 1.

    View the full resolution here.

Additional Reference Documents

Diving Deeper Into the Landfill Study

Exploring the Past, Present and Future of the Ontario County Landfill

Kaitlynn McCumiskey, Sustainability Educator for the Ontario County Department of Sustainability and Solid Waste Management takes us through key highlights from the MSW Landfill Alternatives Analysis Report.

Managing Waste - Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

Listen to a recent conversation about waste management in Ontario County. Future episodes will take a deeper dive into various topics covered in the study.

Share feedback with your Supervisor:

Your Supervisors and Ontario County value your input in deciding on the future of the landfill. Please use the form to the right to submit your thoughts.  Your comments will be shared with the Board of Supervisors to consider as they make final decisions about the landfill’s future.

Want to email your supervisor directly? Use this form to find their email address.

*Clicking submit closes out your form interaction it doesn’t send a message to your supervisor. Click the email address provided to share your feedback.

Please only share feedback if you are an Ontario County resident or property owner and please only contact your specific supervisor.